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Dear Omaraha support,

after using the platform for some time now I get used to it quite good. The only thing I am really, really missing is the lack of exporting any kind of personal data. That is: An account statement and a list of current investements, optionally with borrower & loan details.
Almost all other P2P loan platforms nowadays offer this feature, either as Excel, CSV, JSON or some specific XML/API driven interface. Especially with the added necessity of having multiple investment accounts and making money transfers between them and on the other hand the missing ability to create custom reports I think this is a feature that many investors would welcome with a great hooray ,-)
While I run both personal and professional investments on Omaraha only a small personal investment is done for me due to the lack of getting any information e.g. for an automated accounting processing, which disqualifies Omaraha for a professional/company investestment platform.

Best regards,
Soeren Gerlach

PS: Just in case you need some ideas how to design such reports, please get in contact with me, this is part of my daily professional working business - and I would volunteer here ,-))
Sounds like a very good idea.

I would also appreciate a watchlist. Where an investor can add loans that are developing concern. Now I have names written on bits of paper and have to check through the alphabetical order list, to find what actions are taking place, ie reminders, follow up calls, payment postponed.
Would be really helpful to monitor my portfolio.
Sounds like a very good idea.I would also appreciate a watchlist. Where an investor can add loans that are developing concern. Now I have names written on bits of paper and have to check through the alphabetical order list, to find what actions are taking place, ie reminders, follow up calls, payment postponed.Would be really helpful to monitor my portfolio.
Dear Omaraha support,

A way to export information in CSV format would be much appreciated.

I have made a Firefox webextension (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/omaraha-tsv-extension/) that adds a link in the users statistics page (next to the red Filter button) to download the data in .tsv (tab-separated-values) format, it is essentially the same as .csv, but the delimiter is different. The downloaded file can be opened with LibreOffice Calc or Excel for example.
There might be bugs if you download incomplete data (e.g. for year 2019 or beyond), because the table layout is a bit different in that case.

Feel free to leave comments/suggestions here or on the GitHub page (https://github.com/krlk89/omaraha_webext).

PS. I know that most people use Google Chrome and if there is a big demand, then I can port it to Chrome aswell (should be pretty easy).
I have updated the webextension (version 0.2), which adds a button (under the Filter button) Generate .tsv to the account balance pages, pressing the button requests data from all the table pages and adds a link to download the data in .tsv format.
It takes 2-3 seconds for every page, there is an artificial bottleneck to ensure that the server does not reject the requests.
Please leave a comment if something is incorrect.

NB! I will take no responsibility that the data in the .tsv is correct!
I have again updated the webextension. Version 0.3 also adds the Generate .tsv button to the investments page.
Also, the extension is now also available on the Chrome Web Store (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/omaraha-tsv-extension/ikhgefhaeeckkbppjlegcbdkkfgppnhk?hl=en-GB).
There was a report in the Estonian thread that the ‘Generate .tsv’ buttons do not appear, this should be fixed in the 0.3.2 version of the extension.
Also, for Firefox users, you need to enable 3rd party cookies in order for the extension to work (otherwise the download links do not appear).
I am not certain if it's also the case for Chrome, but it's worth trying in case of problems.
New version, 0.4, is available for Firefox.
There's a language selection under extension options (defaults to ENG). This changes the text on buttons and links and the first column of the investments .tsv (status).
Also, when generating the .tsv, the button now shows which page is currently being processed, not (approximate) percentage as before.
Since there is now an official way to download a CSV file for account balances, I removed this functionality in the latest version of the webextension (0.5). It's still possible to download a TSV for investments and statistics.


Intress alates 12% aastas, laenud kuni 5 aastaks.

* Esialgne pakkumus on näitlik.

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